Dive into your next adventure with Aquatic Tribe

Explore the right dive spot that meets your needs, while simultaneously supporting Adaptive Divers and Ocean Conservation efforts near you. When you book a dive with us, a significant portion of the proceeds, will be donated to the Mother Ocean Fund. SIGN UP FOR A FREE DIVE (Limited Spots Available)

Ocean Conservation

“Best dive app out there!”

Zane Adams

Zane Adams

Find the right dive for you

We do all the vetting for you based on 20+ different variables each designed to help you find the perfect dive trip based on your particular needs.


Support ocean conservation efforts

Make a difference in ocean conservation with Aquatic Tribe. Every booking supports initiatives that actively work towards healing, restoring and safeguarding our precious Ecosystem, ensuring a sustainable future for marine ecosystems.

<span>Support ocean conservation efforts</span>

Support Adaptive Diver initiatives

Remember a sizeable portion of your purchase today, will be donated to the Mother Ocean Fund a noble cause who sponsors Adaptive Divers programs arouond the world. Efforts that have been denied to them by their insurance carriers. What they wont pay for, the Mother Ocean Fund will!

<span>Support Adaptive Diver initiatives </span>


"Aquatic Tribe has revolutionized how I discover dive spots while contributing to a cause I care about deeply."

Frank Moore

Join the Aquatic Tribe Community.

Aquatic Tribe has made my diving experiences more meaningful by connecting me with incredible dive spots and supporting ocean conservation efforts. - Zane Lee